Mount Pisgah Cemetery

Historic Preservation Department

J. Lynn Lyons, Historic Preservation & Planning Coordinator

P. (719) 689-3588 x5   F. (719) 689-3288



The Historic Preservation Department operates programs that address the needs of historic residential and commercial structures; processes requests for Certificates of Appropriateness; develops education programs, events, exhibits and products that interpret the Cripple Creek Mining District; addresses the needs of city-owned Mt. Pisgah Cemetery; and participates in public improvement projects that relate to the Bennett Avenue Historic District. The Historic Preservation Commission conducts public hearings on historic issues. It consists of seven members appointed by City Council and meets once a month or as needed. The Mt. Pisgah Cemetery Board, also appointed by City Council, is made up of five members and meets bi-monthly or as needed to discuss cemetery matters and make recommendations to City Council.

Mission Statement:

To improve, maintain and promote the Cripple Creek community through the preservation and protection of the city’s historic built environment and its National Historic Landmark status.

Goals and Objectives:
  • Develop educational programs, events, exhibits and products that interpret the history of the Cripple Creek Mining District.
  • Process development requests efficiently and effectively.
  • Participate in public improvement projects that enhance and provide better access to and understanding of the historic resources of the Bennett Avenue Historic District.
  • Continue to provide a diligent program to address the needs of historic residential, commercial and non-profit structures.
  • Continue to address the needs of the Mt. Pisgah Cemetery.
  • Pursue the leveraging of all expenditures of historic preservation funds by requiring matching funds and/or grant funds from other sources.
  • Pursue designation of a regional area as a National and/or State Heritage Area.

    Historic Preservation Commission

    Reed Grainger
    Chairperson, Local Real Estate Agent, Experience on Commission

    Mike Gross
    Vice-Chairperson, Cripple Creek Resident, Building Contractor

    Jeff Regester
    Cripple Creek Resident

    Dixie Claire
    Teller County Resident

    J.R. Gatlin
    Cripple Creek Resident, Degree in Architectural Engineering

    Sophia Balas
    Masters Degree in Arts with a Major in Conservation and Restoration, Cripple Creek Resident, First Alternate

    Susan Balcome
    Real Estate Tax Specialist, Teller County Resident, Second Alternate

Downloadable Forms & Information:


Historic Preservation Ordinance

Bennett Avenue Historic Preservation Ordinance


Historic Preservation Grant Agreement

Next HPC Meeting



Mt. Pisgah Cemetery Board Members

Steve Zoellner, Chairperson
Deb Hack, Tom Litherland,  Bill Stankiewicz

Mt. Pisgah Cemetery Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes